Cornell Connect Resources

Cornell Connect Screenshot

How do I register?

 To set up your profile, visit  When there, click on “Get Started” and register using your preferred method from the options available (Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, or email). 

You will then be asked a few questions about ways you are willing to help, and areas that you are seeking help in. Answering these questions will help pair you with a potential mentor or mentee. 

Once registration is complete, you will be approved within 2 business days. The site is easy to manage and is your passport to the Cornell College network.

Who has access to the site?

Access to the site has been granted to alumni, faculty and staff. Later this year, students will be added to the site, but will have a more limited profile.

How do I update my profile?

Updating your profile is easy. In the upper right corner of the home screen, you will see a gear with a drop-down menu. Scroll over the gear and click “update profile.” Within this page you can change your mentoring options, update your information, and change your profile picture.

How do I connect with others on the platform?

Watch this video  for directions on how to utilize the various aspects of the platform to connect. 

Will updating Cornell Connect update my account with the Office of Alumni and College Advancement?

Yes. Data from Cornell Connect will be downloaded periodically and added to the database. However, to fully update your information, fill out the Update Your Information Form on the alumni website.

How is email utilized within the site?

All messages will be sent to the email address associated with the account you use to register. That email address (including an email address associated with Facebook or LinkedIn, if you choose to register with one of those accounts) will become your preferred email address, and all communications from other users will be sent to it. Be sure your listed email is your preferred email.

I see that I can post a job, but what about an internship?

If your internship is geared toward graduate students and/or alumni, then it would be appropriate to post it on Cornell Connect. However, if the internship is better suited for a current Cornell student it is recommended that you share the opportunity with the Berry Career Institute. 

Cornell Connect offers mentoring. What does this mean?

Within the site, you have the opportunity to mentor your fellow alumni, and coming later this year- current students. You will be asked to share ways in which you would like to help others by selecting categories of mentorship when you first join the site. These preferences can be updated at any time in your profile.

How do I start a mentoring relationship?

In order to be a mentor, be sure that your mentoring options are updated in your profile. From there, others will be able to request you as a mentor. If someone requests you as a mentor, you will receive an email that will direct you through the process.

If you wish to ask someone else to be your mentor, you may search for them within the directory. If they are accepting of mentees, a box saying “request mentorship” will appear on their profile. .

How do I end a mentoring relationship?

At some point, you will most likely need to end a mentoring relationship, hopefully once you both have met the set goals/objectives. All of your mentors and mentees will appear on your profile page. Click “me” to find this page. Once you see the list of mentors and mentees, click on the picture of the mentor or mentee with whom you would like to break the connection. You will be asked to confirm that you are removing them as your mentee. See “removing a mentee” for further details. Note that if you are ending a relationship because something negative happened or the relationship was not working, be clear with your mentee that you are ending the relationship and why you are doing so. Explain that things are not working and encourage them to find another mentor to help meet their goals.

Is there an app?

Yes! Click here to learn how to download the app.

What if I have questions about the site?

Feel free to reach out anytime with your questions to