Anyone who spent at least two semesters at Cornell is automatically a member of the Cornell College Alumni Association. There are approximately 17,000 members. The Alumni Association Board of Directors works with the college to encourage alumni to attend events, serve as volunteers, and donate regularly.
The board seeks to serve not only as an advocate for the college to its alumni but also as an advocate for alumni to the college.
The board is composed of 24 alumni who are diverse in terms of age, sex, ethnicity, geographical location, abilities, and other factors. Board members, who typically have shown a strong interest in supporting the college, agree to serve a three-year term and may be re-elected for a second three-year term. New members are added annually.
Applications are welcome from all alumni, and you are welcome to apply yourself. For an applicatoin form, click on the button below.
We encourage applications from alumni who share Cornell's vision for a welcoming campus community that embraces differing backgrounds, viewpoints, and identities.
Nominate an Alumnus/a for the Board of Directors