Carol Cook, 1989
Carol is an artist and photographer who also works as a freelance marketer, website creator, and social media marketer. Her paintings, both abstract and realistic, are often based in nature. Several of her photographs have won recognition in international and domestic exhibits. Her paintings and nature photography appear in juried exhibits in Colorado, Iowa and online.
Carol writes a blog based on her experiences and life as an artist.
She has held a variety of jobs to support her work as an artist, including office management, sales, art framing, studio photography, healthcare/operating room coordination and pre-school teaching.
Carol is from Tipton, Iowa. At Cornell she earned bachelor’s degrees in special studies for both physical education and studio fine arts with an emphasis (minor) in secondary education. She studied exercise science in graduate school at the University of Iowa.
One Course at a Time (OCAAT), she wrote, allowed her not only to explore more than one field of study, but also participate in many other aspects of campus life. She served as head student athletic trainer all four years for all sports, was student manager of the football team, played softball, and was a member of the fine arts and education groups, Phi Omega and the C-Club. (She remains an alumni member of the latter two).
OCAAT taught her to “learn quickly and retain the information. In my career, I’ve never stressed over deadlines. I believe I can meet new people and make friends more quickly, too. There’s an automatic connection among Cornellians. I’ve lived in many places and there’s always been a Cornell grad to help me assimilate and acclimate.”
Carol has served on two 1989 class reunion committees, helped organize the 50th reunion of Phi Omega alumni and continues to attend and volunteer at Cornell sports events.
As a member of the alumni board she wants to help bridge the gaps between alumni, the college administration and the students.
Carol lives in Davenport, Iowa.